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Ben from Arlington, Texas writes

When is the best time of year to apply Quinclorac 75 for entire lawn?

Can I use this to sprat the entire lawn or it's good for spt spray? And will this work for late summer?


Quinclorac 75 DF is a post-emergent herbicide, so the best time to apply it is when the target weeds are actively growing. If you are targeting crabgrass, then it is best to treat in late spring/early summer when the crabgrass is still small, or later in the summer or early fall when the grass has resumed growing again. You want to be cautious about broadcast applications of this or other post-emergent herbicides during the hottest parts of the summer: the desirable turf will be under more stress from the heat and the target weeds will not be growing much. You can broadcast or spot treat with Quinclorac at labeled application rates.

Answer last updated on: 08/21/2019

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Quinclorac 75 DF Herbicide

Quinclorac 75 DF Herbicide

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