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Clara from Metairie La writes

When to fertilize after Atrazine sprayed early March?

St Augustine yard got sprayed with Atrazine early March. Location is New Orleans. When do I fertilize my yard and is a typical


Fertilization helps to keep your lawn healthy and maintain that desired green color. It's important to apply fertilizer at the right time of year and at the right amount, otherwise you will end up with a mediocre lawn. Over-fertilization can cause random patches of long grass, giving your lawn an uneven look. Under-fertilization can cause sparser, less full looking lawns, and makes it easier for weeds and disease to take hold.
We recommend using a soil analysis test kit or taking a sample of your soil to your local cooperative extension so your soil can be analyzed to determine what nutrients your soil is lacking. The healthiest, hardiest lawns are fertilized 2-4 times per year, fall, summer, early spring and late spring. When fertilizing in the spring you can choose to use a "weed and feed." These products contain both a fertilizer and a pre-emergent herbicide.

Answer last updated on: 03/06/2021

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