Product Q&A

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Haroutioun from North Carolina writes

When would be the best time to apply Soil Moist Granules to established turfgrass? Located in North Carolina and have clay soil type in my yard.

The product states that it works for turf grasses but not to top dress on the soil surface. It needs to be incorporated under the surface preferably close to the root zone. The instructions say to make a hole, sprinkle some product, and then cover with dirt. Would this be best to apply when aerating and overseeding the yard in the fall?


Soil Moist Granules can be applied any time as long as you follow the product label instructions for turf. If you wanted to you could wait until fall. You can aerate, apply the product and overseed and then water in. It is totally up to you. Both will have the same outcome.

Answer last updated on: 04/23/2021

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Soil Moist Granules

Soil Moist Granules

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