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Paul from Beattyville, Ky writes

Will Alligare MSM 60 Herbicide kill ironweed?


Alligare MSM 60 Herbicide is not specifically labeled for ironweed therefore we cannot say for certain if it would effectively eliminate it. Ironweed is a member of the “Aster” family which Alligare MSM 60 is labeled to control when applied at rates of 1/3  to ½ ounce per acre per the product label.  Some alternative recommendations would be Gordon’s Pasture Pro or PastureGard HL which are both labeled for ironweed and intended for smaller applications. For larger coverage areas, GrazonNext would be suggested however this product does have strict haying and manure restrictions that need to be followed.  Please refer to the individual product labels for each product to determine which would work best for your applcation. The University of Kentucky Extension Office has some other helpful information in this article HERE on controlling ironweed in grazing pastures

Answer last updated on: 08/01/2022

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Alligare MSM 60 Herbicide

Alligare MSM 60 Herbicide


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