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Forrest from Conyers, Ga writes

Will applying Snapshot 2.5 TG in spring over a bed of dormant ferns prevent them from emerging?

I have been using Snapshot on my "moss lawn" with excellent effect and no damage. I have several large areas of native ferns that have emerged in areas where I have cleared invasive plants. I would like to spread the pre-emergent before the weeds start to show up the spring but don't want to prevent the ferns from erupting. Does the reproductive biology of ferns allow them to reproduce (or whatever they do in the spring) if Snapshot has been applied to the soil beforehand?


Snapshot 2.5 TG is labeled to be used safely on the following fern species:  Australian Tree Fern, Filicoides Fern, Cypress Fern, Tasmanian Tree Fern, Japanese Painted Fern, and Tassel Fern.  

Answer last updated on: 02/05/2018

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