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Joanne from Zebulon Nc writes

Will CB PCO Total Release Fogger with Pyrethrins work for black pepper mites?


CB PCO Total Release Fogger with Pyrethrins is not specifically labeled for black pepper mites. We think the very first thing you should do is get the mites properly identified. Failure to get a proper identification can lead to treatment failure. Many people read on the internet certain descriptions and just assume that they have the same exact problem as the person that wrote the description, but they could very possibly be wrong. You should contact your local cooperative extension office and speak to the entomologist on staff. The entomologist will explain how to properly obtain a sample and submit it for identification. You can also contact your local natural history museum for an identification if you don't have luck with the extension office. Once you get a proper identification you will be able to know what type of source you are looking for (foul, bird or rodent mites) and you can start proper treatments.

Answer last updated on: 06/13/2015

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