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Marcus from Strong, Ar writes

Will Cyzmic CS Micro-encapsulated Insecticide kill honey bees in a wall?


Cyzmic CS Micro-encapsulated Insecticide will kill bees that land in the area. A better option would be to use a dust in the wall voids, such as Tempo Dust. This will provide control for up to 7 months if the dust is undisturbed. Be sure to only use a light coating of dust so that the bees will not avoid the area. 1-2 puffs out of the bottle is sufficient. We do recommend consulting with a professional if you believe you have a honey bee hive in your wall since you must remove all materials, honey, etc. completely to avoid any reinfestation or secondary problems like hive beetles and mold.

Answer last updated on: 11/27/2017

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