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Scarlet from Ward Alabama writes

Will Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait be harmful to wild deer, turkey and doves that may occasionally forage in the yard?

There is a slight chance these animals will travel to a hunting area after occasionally foraging in our yard. (Of course our yard is NOT their primary food source) Should I be worried about using Extinguish Plus as broadcast treatment in case one of these animals is harvested for food?


With the miniscule amounts of Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait that would be applied when used at labeled rates, its highly unlikely that the animals would even notice or find the bait in comparison to the other food sources available to them in the area. It would be even more unlikely they would consume any amounts that would be of any impact to the animal as well. Baiting for fire ants should be done after performing a potato chip test per the label, and only put out when they are actively foraging for food and showing response to the chips you have put out before hand. Following the label instructions for application will not only yield better results for the product on the ant colonies, but will also cut down on the likelihood of bait being available when the deer and other animals pass through. 

Answer last updated on: 10/05/2022

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Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait

Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait

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