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Atkinson from Il writes

Will GrazonNext HL Herbicide control water hemp?


GrazonNext HL Herbicide is not labeled to treat waterhemp weed. If you are treating crops areas, Prowl H2O Herbicide is a pre-emergent that can help control waterhemp before it germinates. This product WILL NOT control actively growing weeds. If the waterhemp is actively growing, Roundup/glyphosate is the recommendation but if the weeds is too mature you would really need to cut it down and treat it then.  Weeds are generally best treated when they just emerge and are young.  There is the option of Eraser Max which can kill and prevent weeds in an area for up to 1 year. Alternatively, there is the Cheetah Pro as another non selective that is labeled for waterhemp and glyphosate resistant weeds. You can tank mix it with the Eraser Max to get the prevention as well. 


Answer last updated on: 04/14/2021

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GrazonNext HL Herbicide

GrazonNext HL Herbicide

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