Product Q&A

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Joyce writes

Will I have to dig underneath the plastic and stone to apply Demand G Granules for millipedes?

Is this a sure thing to kill millipedes? Bought many products don't work on millipedes.


Demand G is labeled for millipede control and will help you limit their numbers greatly. According to the Demand G product label: "For optimal control, remove debris and leaf litter from next to the foundation, cut back vegetation and branches that touch the foundation, and move or rake back rocks, deep mulch, or other potential pest harborage areas next to the foundation prior to application". You should not rely solely on chemical control. There are ways to modify the environment immediately around your home to discourage insects from moving in. Please take a few moments to read our article How to Get Rid of Millipedes to learn how to make your property less desirable to this pest.

Answer last updated on: 07/13/2011

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Demand G Granules

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