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Larry from Tampa, Fl writes

Will Hi-Yield Triclopyr Easter kill brazillan pepper trees by spraying the bark? If so, mix ratio, please


Control of Brazilian Pepper Tree can be tricky, and which herbicide is best will depend on the time of year and method that you are using.  Something like RoundUp QuikPro (glyphosate and diquat) will likely only work on seedlings, and may take several weeks to kill the young plants: This article from your Florida State Extension offers the most detailed recommendations for treating this invasive plant: They recommend using Triclopyr Ester for basal bark treatments, which we carry in Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester. Usually direct stump treatments offer the fastest control, however this is best done when the trees are not fruiting since seeds may be scattered and start new plants.  There is a not a rate for this specific use though so would recommend reaching out to the manufacturer directly for to confirm, VPG can be reached at 888-583-5296

Answer last updated on: 03/17/2020

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