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Dom from White Plains, Ny writes

Will Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide treat botrytis on oriental lilies? Drench or spray, and at what concentration?

Will Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide treat Botrytis on oriental lilies? Drench or spray, and at what concentration? Thanks


Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is not labeled for botrytis.  Ferti-Lome Triple Action is labeled to be used for it.  It is used at a rate of 1 oz in 1 gallon of water, spray until foliage is wet but not dripping. As a preventative, apply Ferti-Lome Triple Action on a 7 to 14 day schedule until the potential for disease development is no longer present. To control disease already present, apply this product on a 7 day schedule until disease pressure is eliminated. Then continue spraying on a 14 day schedule to prevent the disease from reoccurring.

Answer last updated on: 05/02/2019

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