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James from Boles, Ar The Tree Is In Ft. Smith Ar. writes

Will Safari 20SG kill carpenter worms?

I'm arborist and own a tree service; I've come across a Red Oak that has a number of problems, besides the borers for which I recommended a systemic insecticide {safari or Bayer landscape} , the tree also has misltoe, Hypoxylon canker which are being removed if the damage is to great. However the other day I found a couple carpenterworms in the tree and am concerned that there is a bigger infestation in the tree and was concerned that the systemic insecticides would not affect the carpenterworm.


Safari is not labeled for carpenter worm control and would likely only help provide control of the insects if they are sprayed directly before they bored beneath the bark. Systemic insecticides in general will not work for this pest because they live just beneath the bark. Unfortunately control is usually limited to only mechanical control by probing the tunnels with a wire to kill pupa, larva and eggs and then sealing the holes or destroying heavily infested trees.

Answer last updated on: 02/27/2013

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