Deb from Kissimmee, Fl writes
Unfortunately the Sevin Concentrate is not labeled for hookworms. There is not a product on the market that is labeled or recommended for hookworms. While some insecticides that are labeled for turf or lawn infesting insect may work, there has not been enough research to add hookworms to the product labels. We recommend thatif you have pets, they be moved out of the contaminated area for at least 6 weeks (during warm spring/summer months, longer during cool winter/fall months) and all feces be removed. Keeping the animals out of the contaminated area for at least 6 weeks should help control the infestation pattern. It is also important to remove feces from the new latrine area to avoid another infestation. Another option is to remove the contaminated soil and replace if you cannot keep out for 1 year.
Answer last updated on: 05/08/2018