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Debbie from Statesville writes

Will Snake A Way 4 lbs. work with black snakes?


According to the manufacturer Snake A Way 4 lbs. works for the majority of snake species due to how it repels them. Snakes have what is called a Jacobson’s organ, which is a patch of sensory cells within the main nasal chamber that detects heavy moisture-borne odor particles. The smell of the ingredients in this product effect that organ causing snakes to become disoriented and go away from the smell. When using this product it is very important to remember to NOT apply products where snakes are currently to prevent any potential harm. This product should be applied in areas where snakes have been previously or areas you want to keep them out of.      

Answer last updated on: 08/15/2019

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Snake A Way 4 lbs.

Snake A Way 4 lbs.

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