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Charles from Glen Mills, Pa writes

Will Speedzone Lawn Weed Killer work to kill smartweed in PA?

I have an area off 15000 sq f, almost half has been overtaken by the smartweed. What is the solution to bring back the lawn? Will lime & fertilizer stop this weed from coming back before & after being treated by your chemical?


SpeedZone Lawn Weed Killer Concentrate is labeled for and will treat for PA Smartweed. Please reveiw the product label to make sure your turf grass is tolerant of this product. ? You can help prevent the smartweed from coming back by using a pre-emergent such as Weed Impede to help prevent it from growing. We recommend that you consult with your local cooperative extension office Master Gardener on uses of lime and specific fertilizers needed on your turf based on the needs.

Answer last updated on: 08/01/2018

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