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Jose from Lehigh Acres, Fl writes

Will 5 Star Fescue Grass Seed Blend do well in SW FL?

I have a mixture of Bahia and weeds, do you recommend to Roundup area 1st?


5 Star Fescue Grass Seed Blend is a cool season grass that usually does not tolerate heat well.  We were able to find a great article by te University of Florida that might help you decide what would work best for you. You can also speak with a master gardener at your local cooperative extension office who would be more familiar with what works well in your area.  If you want to kill everything growing in the area now, yes you can use a glyphosate based product like Roundup to do so and then seed 2 weeks after.

Answer last updated on: 04/02/2019

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5 Star Fescue Grass Seed Blend

5 Star Fescue Grass Seed Blend

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