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Doris writes

Will Tempo Dust work on Cicada Killer Wasp?

I have Cicada Killers in my backyard and I need to get rid of them - will this work? What is best - using in tandem with Cynoff WP or alone? This is year number three battling these wasp and I can no longer enjoy my backyard because of them. HELP!


Tempo Dust is great for Cicada Killers or any other flying insect.  In the evening when they are in their burrow you can treat each individual burrow with 2 quick puffs of Tempo Dust using a hand duster.  For overall prevention you can apply Cyperwp over landscaped areas where they like to nest to deter future burrows from being made.

Answer last updated on: 07/17/2011

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Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide

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