Charlotte from Germantown, Tn writes
I have mondo grass as a ground cover with many weeds. What can I use to kill weeds and not the grass?
Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled as safe for use around Mondo or Monkey Grass. Surflan has been used for pre-emergent control of broadleaf weeds in Mondo Grass and for post-emergent control, Sedgehammer is commonly used. Please refer to the product lable for instructions and applications rates. Surflan - Preemergence weed control when applied to established ornamental plants before weeds have emerged. This product performs better with incorporation after application with irrigation, rainfall or light tillage. Sedgehammer - Apply in landscaped areas with established woody ornamentals. Do not apply over-the-top of flowers, ornamentals, shrubs or trees.
Answer last updated on: 03/06/2016