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Andrew from Hamilton writes

Will Tenacity Herbicide kill kikuyu and spare ryegrass?

Re-seeding my large after (glycophosphate spray) that currently has Kikuyugrass. Will be reseeding with 3 types of ryegrass. I anticipate Kikuyu re-emerging. Will Tenacity kill the kikuyu yet spare the rye grass?


Tenacity Herbicide only states that it can cause undesired injury to kikuyugrass but it does not give instructions on how to control with Tenacity, which leads us to believe it may only temporarily damage it rather than actually kill it all the way out. Once your new seed has come up and become established to tolerate herbicide use, you could use Hi Yield Turflon Ester to spray over the kikuyugrass to eliminate it from the ryegrass in the lawn. 

Per the Hi Yield Turflon Ester Product Label for Control of Kikuyugrass:
Apply Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester at a rate of 3/8 to 3/4 fluid ounces per 1000 square feet. To improve activity, MSMA herbicide may be tank mixed with the ½ quart per acre rate of Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester. Three to four additional applications at 4 to 6 week intervals may be required to achieve control of kikuyugrass


Answer last updated on: 04/05/2020

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Tenacity Herbicide

Tenacity Herbicide

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