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Trey from Shelley, Id writes

Will Tenacity prevent Kentucky Bluegrass from filling in?

I would like to control broadleaf and other grassy weeds in my Kentucky Bluegrass lawn. But I do have some thin or bare spots in the lawn that I'm hoping the Kentucky Bluegrass will take over and fill in. Because of the pre-emergent, will Tenacity also prevent the Kentucky Bluegrass from filling in?


Tenacity will help control annual bluegrass (poa annua) from germinating in the Fall, but it will not interfere with new plantings of Kentucky Bluegrass. If you are putting down any new seed, apply Tenacity as close to seeding as possible. If you have new KBG seedlings coming up already, then wait to apply Tenacity until after the new grass is established (2 mowings or four weeks, whichever is longer).

Answer last updated on: 05/23/2018

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