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Mary from Atlanta, Ga writes

Will the Indoor Ant Kit help with roaches too?

We have seen a few roaches recently in various spots of our house. I would not say we are infested, but my husband wants something done about them. We also have an on-going problem with ants in our kitchen and one of our bathrooms intermittently. We have seen little success with treatments from our local bug people for the ants. The problem with roaches is a new one. I have never ever had problems with roaches, and can't really figure out why it is happening now.


The Indoor Ant Kit includes all the products you need for professional treatment of most ants commonly found indoors.  

The Temprid RTS in this kit does include roaches on the label as does the Maxforce Complete Granules, but if you are dealing with a roach problem, we advise one of our Roach Control Kits which contain all of the products you need to control a roach infestation and get your house back.  These kits include baits, insecticide sprays, glue traps, and insect growth regulators which will work together to quickly knockdown roaches for professional grade control.  

You can refer to our helpful and informative guide on How to Get Rid of Roaches for an explanation of effective roach treatment methods.  

We also recommend reading our guide on General Pest Prevention which is a s 4-part guide to Integrated Pest Management to help you prevent pest infestations with the limited use of products, which includes removing food and water sources (such as drops of water in your sink) that could attract such pests into your home.

Answer last updated on: 10/05/2021

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Indoor Ant Kit

Indoor Ant Kit

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