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Jerry from Washington, Pa 15301 writes

Will this black-light help our sales employee detect the Steri-Fab crystals spraying on mattresses?

The Pa. State inspectors are checking the concentration of Steri-Fab on our mattresses and furniture in our thrift shops for resale. They are using a $500 blacklight to inspect the amount of crystals dispersed. Will this help us in training and limited internal inspection?


We have never heard of mattresses being inspected with a blacklight to see if Sterifab crystals are present and we are not sure if the Scorpion UV black-light flashlights will work for this purpose. Luckily the Scorpion UV Flashlight is pretty inexpensive and in this case it wouldn't hurt to try it.

Answer last updated on: 10/18/2011

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Scorpion UV Flashlight

Scorpion UV Flashlight

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