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Dianne from Venus writes

Will Zodiac Flea and Tick Powder for Dogs, Puppies, Cats, and Kittens also kill bed bugs?


No, Zodiac Flea and Tick Powder for Dogs, Puppies, Cats, and Kittens is only labeled for fleas, ticks, and lice so it will not work on bed bugs.  For active bed bug infestations, one of our Bed Bug Kits is the recommended choice for a complete treatment program. Active bed bugs take a combination of products to treat all the necessary areas bed bugs hide and require repeat treatments every 7-10 days until you can go 30 days without seeing any signs of bed bugs.  Please view our Bed Bug Treatment Guide for step by step instructions for the best treatment program to eradicate bed bugs. 

Answer last updated on: 08/24/2021

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