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Robert writes

Would you recommend Timbor or Bora-Care?

I recently had my house treated due to termite infestation. After they finished treating my house, the inspector said he noticed some fungus on some of the floor joist's and recommended me using Timbor. With no signs of any infestation, and assuming that their treatment took care of the termites, would you recommend Timbor or Bora-Care?


Timbor is perfectly fine for treating fungus because fungus is a growth on the surface of the wood.  Timbor only really is for protecting new wood that you know does not have any issues or wood that you only need to treat the surface for because Timbor will not penetrate very deep into the wood.  However, what you want to be sure of is that the growth is in fact fungus, and not mold.  Timbor or Bora-Care will not treat mold, so you would want to purchase Bora-Care with Mold Care if in fact it was mold.

Answer last updated on: 03/18/2010

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