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Charlotte writes

You say Aqua Neat neutralizes once it hits water, but should be mixed with water. How does this work?

Also, if a large volume of Aqua Neat was applied to my property due to massive growths of Japanese knotweed and proximity to conserved wetlands, and my house uses well water, is the well water safe to drink?


  Aqua Neat Aquatic Herbicide is an Aquatic Herbicide, and it is specifically designed for safe use in areas where aquatic life will be present. Once you mix with water it will start to break down after 24 hours.  Aqua Neat Aquatic Herbicide is a concentrate so it can be mixed with water but will only be absorbed by vegetation. So it will cling to vegetation and neutralize when it comes in contact with water. Aqua Neat Aquatic Herbicide should not be applied over a well and applications should be made at least 15 feet away from the well.

Answer last updated on: 09/23/2021

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Aqua Neat Aquatic Herbicide

Aqua Neat Aquatic Herbicide


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