Advion Fire Ant Bait can not be used in the soil where you are going to plant but can be used around the perimeter and will help with ants.
The Advion Fire Ant Bait product label does not mention any restrictions or precautions regarding using this product on properties where water is provided by a well.
You do not have to have a broadcast spreader to apply Advion Fire Ant Bait though it can make the application a bit easier for you. You can simply just sprinkle the bait around (not on) the mounds as directed on the product label. As long as the spreader you have can be calibrated to spread the small amount needed per acre you could use it. Please contact the manfacturer of the spreader for specific settings.
Advion Fire Ant Bait should be applied at the first sign of fire ant activity.
Yes, you could potentially use a hand spreader to apply an ant bait such as Advion Fire Ant Bait. Since the rates for ant baits are very low, we recommend starting on the lowest setting on your spreader and then adjusting if needed.
In regards to using baits and insecticides, Demon Max and Advion Fire Ant Bait applications need to be applied in different areas in order to keep the insecticide from contaminating the bait. There are no issues with apply a Weed n Feed and insecticide together as one is for turf and one is for insects.
We would recommend using Advion Fire Ant Bait for treating fire ant mounds individually or as a broadcast application over the entire lawn and using Demon Max for residual control on exterior foundation, around windows, doors, under sofits and eaves but also spraying the upper and lower foliage of bushes, trees, shrubs, etc in landscape beds and wooded areas around the home.
Review the Advion Fire Ant Bait product label for mound and broadcast rates.
Keep in mind, Demon Max is oil based so it can stain surfaces, siding, etc and also burn foliage if applied during the heat of the day or mixed stronger than the product label recommends.
We recommend mowing before application of Advion Fire Ant Bait for better control.
You do not mix Advion Fire Ant Bait with water. Per the label adding water or applying before rain fall will affect effectiveness. Product should also only be applied when area is dry.
Advion Fire Ant Bait is not designed to be dissolved in water. Application instructions per the label are below. It is a dry bait granule that is spread.