Michael writes
Alpine WSG was applied in a crevice above my garage to treat a nest that is somewhere in there and possibly in the wall. The Exterminator says it will take 3-5 days for all yellow jackets in the nest to track it over one another before killing the queen? Is this true or will some of the yellow jackets die sooner?
The Alpine WSG uses Dinotefuran which is a non repellent so it is a slower kill but will transfer throughout the colony better than contact insecticides. Some may die sooner, those that directly contacted the treated area as opposed to those the active ingrdient was transferred to.
Alpine WSG is mixed at 30 grams per gallon of water. Per page 6 of the product label for yellow jackets, when treating nests inside wall voids, inject an amount sufficient to treat the entire nest. Most applications should require about ½ gallon of mixed solution. It also emphasizes that this product does NOT provide an instant knockdown.
Answer last updated on: 09/01/2021