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Milton from Houston, Tx writes

I am using d-fense sc for cockroaches. Works great. Using max force and traps for german roaches--

Maxforce and traps not working on German roaches. Any suggestions?? Would Vendetta Plus work for both cockroaches and german roaches??


When treating for German Roaches, using an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) is always recommeneded along with a roach bait and sanitation.  The IGR is a crucial part when treating for roaches because it prevents the roaches from reproducing (birth control). The Vendetta Plus contains 2 modes of treatment, the food bait and the IGR. Vendetta Plus will treat all types of roaches, including cockroaches and German Roaches. Gentrol Point Source packs would be a great product to add in addition to the D-Fense and Maxforce FC Roach Bait.  These are individual IGR place packs that you use in areas where roaches are active. Using one place pack every 75 sq feet in active areas will last you for 90 days making it a convenient product for quarterly insect treatments.

Answer last updated on: 09/09/2014

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German Roach Control Kit

German Roach Control Kit

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