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Garrett from Stanfield, Nc writes

Annual Rate of Poa Constrictor Herbicide

What is the annual rate (oz) for this product? Will be used for TTTF.


Poa Constrictor Herbicide does not give a max annual rate on the product label, it only lists that you can apply 2-3 times at 21-28 day intervals.  The rate to use is 24-48 oz per acre or ¾ – 1/12 flo oz per 1000 sqft.  The specific instructions for Turf Type Tall Fescue are as follows: Make applications in the fall.  If overseeding with TTTF, application may be done at the same time as seeding.  

Answer last updated on: 12/27/2019

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Poa Constrictor Herbicide

Poa Constrictor Herbicide

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