You would want to add 1.5 oz of Armada 50 WDG Fungicide in 1-2 gal of water per 1,000 sq ft to ensure thorough coverage.
Armada 50 WDG Fungicide is labeled for fairy ring control.
Per the product label:
Use 1.2-1.5 oz of Armada 50 per 1000 sq/ft. First application is prescribed in the spring when 5 day average daily soil temperatures taken at 2 inches are 60-65°F. The second application is prescribed 14 to 28 days later. Make applications in 2 gallons water/1,000 sq ft. Water in application with 1/8 to1/4 inch of irrigation within 6-8 hours after application. Tank mixing with Revolution wetting agent will decrease the fungicidal efficacy of ARMADA 50 WDG. Apply wetting agents 2 weeks after the ARMADA 50 WDG application on routine schedule for wetting agents.
In the event of any over spray of Armada 50 WDG Fungicide into a swimming pool, the manufacturer states the pool should be filtered for 24 hours prior to allowing anyone back in it.
How long it takes Armada 50 WDG Fungicide to cure diseases depends on the type and how bad the infestation is. It may take multiple applications at 14-28 day intervals to completely eliminate some diseases and you should rotate to another active ingredient after 2-3 applications to prevent resistance issues.
Armada 50 WDG is labeled to be used on all types turf grass. Can be applied to both Cool and Warm season grasses.
Per the product label, repeat applications of Armada 50 WDG Fungicide can be done at 14 to 28 day intervals until the threat of disease is over. Begin applications when conditions are favorable for disease development and continue until the threat of disease is over. Use higher rates or shorter intervals under high disease pressure.
There is not a specific amount of time you must wait after applying Armada WDG Fungicide before you can overseed. Keep in mind that if you are overseeding and need to disturb the soil at all by aerating or similar means, then we recommend doing this before you apply residual products such as a fungicide.
According to the manufacturer, Armada 50 WDG Fungicide can be used on ornamental and non-fruit bearing trees. The manufacturer recommends testing the product on a small area first.
After applying Armada you can wait 5-7 days before applying quinclorac
There is not wait time to apply Armada 50 WDG Fungicide after mowing.
According to the Armada 50 WDG Fungicide Product Label, it states to apply Armada after mowing, or wait until the application has dried to mow after. Ideally applications need to be made when temperatures are 85 degrees or lower, the best times being very early in the morning or very late in the evening. You would not want to apply anything in the middle heat of the day. As long as the application is made under the temps advised above and the application has had enough time to dry, the temperatures during the heat of the day should not affect the application.
It is recommended to use a non ionic surfactant with Armada 50 WDG Fungicide per the manufacturer.