Armadillo Scram Professional application instructions are as follows:
To know how to apply Armadillo Scram Professional with your particular spreader, we would recommend for you to watch the video in our spreaders page, scroll all the way to the bottom, to learn how to callibrate your spreader correctly.
Trapping and removal is generally the most effective way to get rid of armadillos from an area since these scavengers can aggressively search for food. We do offer traps as well as a few repellents that may help to relieve some of the pressure from these animals. I would suggest Bonide MoleMax for small areas and Armadillo Scram by Epic Repellents for larger areas and/or longer control. These are both natural repellents.
Armadillo Scram Professional is geared to be applied to lawns to prevent from armadillos digging them up. The best way in getting rid of armadillos is to physically trap & remove from property with a live trap. A bait may also be added to lure the armadillo. Other bait examples are fish, fruits, sardines, spoiled eggs & rotten meat. You may also try reaching out to your local wildlife department for removal assistance & htips.