It seems to work as I wanted it to
By E.s.r. on 08/16/2012
Last winter, here in Vermont, we bought a old house. Things smelled somewhat musty downstairs during the first few months this winter, but we tolerated it. Summer warmth and humidity came, however, and the smell became unbearable! Finally, suspicious there was something in a walls, I drilled 1/2" holes in the walls - a hole about every 16" - positioned between each wall stud - about 8" to 10" above the floor. When I sniffed the holes (about a dozen holes in the walls), sure enough, four bays smelled awful! I then cut a 10"x 16" rectangle (using a utility knife) out of the bottom of the wall sections of the suspicious bays, and . . . wa-laa, dead mice! In three bays, these mice had been there many years, and in one bay, the mice looked a little "fresher". I removed all the mice and vacuumed out the bays. I then tried some hardware-store-available oder-removing spray - for several days spraying more & more of this stuff into the cavaties. The smell - POWERFUL smell - persisted, however. The problem did not go away (. . . but, I have to remember, it had been there for YEARS!) The hardware-store-bought stuff simply didn't work. I tried putting mothballs in the cavities. They helped, but the pungent smell overpowered the mothballs. . . . Not a solution! After researching the situation further, three weeks ago, I bought a bottle of the Bac-A-Zap. I sparyed the Bac-A-Zap into the cavities - soaking the studs and inside surfices of the wall board - and the smell immediately improved a little. The next day, I sprayed again, and the smell seemed to subside a little more (although it was still bad . . .). Now, for the past two to three weeks, I've been repeating this spraying about every three or four days, fully wetting the studs and wall board. Now, after several weeks of this spray-and-wait-and-spray-and-wait process, the smell is definitely getting better. I suspect it will be tolerable soon. From what I'm finding so far, it appears the Bac-A-Zap stuff does do some good. Believe me, this years-old dead mice lying on raw 2x4 studs - accompied by fresh dead mice - is a very tough test for any such product. I think I'm O.K. with the Bac-A-Zap results. It seems to work.
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The product really does what it stated.
By Lamona on 06/26/2019
Works good.
By Susan on 05/19/2018
Bac A Zap Odor Eliminator
By Katie on 05/08/2020