Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 13 (of 13 questions)
  • Asked by Patricia from Massapequa Park, New York 11762
    How long before the crabgrass dies, when can I reapply Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS?
    You can retreat with  Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS 2 weeks after the first application, if necessary.
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  • Asked by Clayton from Princeton, Nj
    Will Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS kill Japanese stiltgrass?

    Yes, Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS is labeled to control Japanese Stiltgrass.

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  • Asked by Ellen from Tryon
    Will Bayer Advanced Crabgrass killer kill Johnson Grass without killing fescue, blue grass and clover?
    Reproduces by rhizomes and seeds. Can contain sufficient amounts of hydrogen cyanide to kill cattle and horses if it is eaten in quantity. Considered one of the 10 worst weeds in the world.
    Bayer Advanced All-In-One Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer is not labeled to kill Johnson Grass.  Acclaim is a product we carry that is labeled to kill Johnsongrass seedling.
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  • Asked by Beverly from Thornton, Pa
    Will Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS work on mature crabgrass that has gone to seed?
    I live in eastern pa and have mature crabgrass covering a good portion of my lawn that has gone to seed. Will this product work and when should I apply? Daytime temps have been high 80's/low 90's

    Since Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS is a herbicide, it could take up to two weeks to eliminate crabgrass. If the weeds have already gone to seed, it could take about two weeks to germinate, and you will have to do additional applications. It is best if you wait until the fall/spring to use a pre-emergent product to prevent crabgrass from coming up. Prodiamine is an excellent option for the control of crabgrass and other broadleaf weeds.

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  • Asked by Tim
    How long does it take to show results after using Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS?

    Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS  is absorbed by the weed leaves therefore thorough coverage is important to ensure best control. Visible efects usually appear within 4–10 days as a yellowing &/or reddening of the grass weed leaves.

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  • Asked by Tamara from Mobile, Alabama
    If I didn't apply Crabgrass killer in January and now it is the end of May, am I out of luck for this year?
    Is there anything I can do besides pulling it up by hand?
    That all depends on what region you are in. You can call Bayer at 800-331-2867 to find out the time frame of application in your region.
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  • Asked by Harry from Bedford, Pa
    Is Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer okay to use if your dog goes in the grassy area? Will it harm him?
    I was thinking maybe it would be okay as long as the crabgrass killer was allowed to dry well first?
    We would recommend keeping your pet out of the area while treating with Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer RTU. Once the product has dried, your pets can return the area.
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  • Asked by Dave from Poughkeepsie, Ny
    Problem w concentrate dispenser?
    I sprayed the lawn for about 30 minutes continuous and the bottle is only 1/2 empty. I am afraid venturi system isn't working correctly. Should I re-apply again with another bottle I purchased. I don't want to damage the lawn. How long does this product typically last before empty?
    You can do a second treatment after two weeks with the Bayer Advance Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS if necessary. The amount of the product you use will depend on your lawn size. An average bottle treats 5000 sq. ft. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
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  • Asked by Randell from Columbus, Ohio
    What do you mean by attaching a "Hose end"?
    I do not understand what you mean by attaching a "Hose End" what Hose end and where do I get this hose end? Thank You Randell

    The Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS is meant to be attached to the end of a water hose. Screw your garden hose into the water spicket on the house and at the end of the honse, is a metal threaded piece. This screws into the plastic opening on the Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS. 

    CONNECT: 1. Shake well before use. 2. Connect sprayer to garden hose. 3. Turn on water.

    SPRAY 1. Extend hose to farthest area to be treated, point sprayer nozzle in direction to be sprayed. 2. Begin spraying – Press lock tab while using other hand to turn sprayer valve to ON position. 3. Walk at a steady pace while spraying, using an even sweeping motion, and slightly overlap the treated areas. Work back toward the faucet to avoid walking over wet, treated grass.

    FINISH 1. To stop spraying, Press lock tab while using other hand to turn sprayer valve to OFF position. 2. Turn of water at faucet. 3. Relieve water pressure in hose by turning sprayer valve back to ON position until water slows to a drip then turn sprayer valve to OFF position. 4. Disconnect sprayer from hose

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  • Asked by Jim from Sterling Heights, Mi
    Hose sprayer not working, how many oz per gallon for Bluegrass lawn in Michigan?
    Please contact us if you are having trouble with the Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS so that we can troubleshoot. We are available M-F 9-5PM EST at 866.581.7378 any of our sales representatives with be able to assist you.
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  • Asked by Curtis from Murphy,tx
    Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS on Buffalo Grass? At what temps could it burn?
    Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS  is not labeled for buffalo grass so would not be recommended. The product label states to spray when grass weeds are small and actively growing and temperature is below 90˚F.  Any application when temps are above that could cause burning.
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  • Asked by Mark from Olney, Md
    How soon can I plant my flowers after applying Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS?

    Please wait at least 4-6 weeks after applying Bayer Advanced Bermudagrass Control RTS to reseed.

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  • Asked by Chris from Manhasset Ny
    How long do I have to wait before seeding after using Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS?

    According to the Bayer Advanced Crabgrass Killer for Lawns RTS product label,  treated fescue and perennial ryegrass lawns may be re-seeded immediately after application, however, wait 3 weeks after application to Kentucky Bluegrass before reseeding. 

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Displaying 1 to 13 (of 13 questions)