The shelf life of Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs Concentrate is 3-5 years.
The code you see on the bottle of Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs Concentrate is the manufacturers code for that batch of the product. There is not an expiration date printed on the bottle. This product will last for 3-5 years from the date of purchase if kept sealed and stored at room temperature.
Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs is not labeled to be applied as a soil drench, only to the foliage. It will be absorbed through the leaves.
Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs can cause burning if overapplied or applied to foliage during very high temperatures. Always follow the application instructions on the product label.
Yes, you can use Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs Concentrate on dahlias, and the product controls powdery mildew. You should use 3/4 fluid ounces per gallon of water at 7-14 day intervals to treat existing disease or for prevention. Please see the product label for complete application instructions.
No, Bayer Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs Concentrate is not harmful to hummingbirds or bees as long as it is applied according to the instructions on the product label.
Per the Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs product label, the mix rate is 3/4 fl. oz. (1 1/2 TBS) to 1 gallon of water.
Yes, Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs Conce can be used to cure and prevent disease on roses.
Bayer Advanced All-In-One Rose and Flower Care is already labeled to treat for black spot systemically and gives instructions for if the disease is present. If you need to spray the foliage for active black spot, you can use something like the Natural Guard Neem Oil.
Yes, you can add 3/4 fl oz (1 1/2 TBSP) Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs per one gallon of water to treat flowers for rust. You can apply up to three times per year, 7-14 days apart, beginning with Spring bud break.
Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs Concentrate is not labeled to be used on any type of edibles so would not be recommended. Fung-onil Multi Purpose Fungicide Concentrate would be a better option to use and is labeled for many diseases.
There are not any specific temperature guidelines with the Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs. For best results per the product label, "Apply at the shorter interval specified under "Directions for Use" when disease or conditions favorable to disease (generally cloudy, wet and warm weather) are present. Prevent damage to your plants caused by disease by starting a spray schedule when diseases are likely in your area. For more information on what you can do to control plant diseases, contact your local County Extension Service (usually found in the White Pages of the phone book under the name of your county.)"
Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs can cause burning if overapplied or applied to foliage during very high temperatures.
It is not necessary to use a surfactant with Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs per the product label.