Bio Advanced 3 in 1 Insect Disease & Mite Control RTU

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Bio Advanced 3 in 1 Insect Disease & Mite Control RTU
Bio Advanced 3 in 1 Insect Disease & Mite Control RTU

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4 Reviews | 9 Q&A

Product Overview

Bio Advanced previously known as Bayer Advanced 3-in-1 Insect Disease Mite Control RTU provides you with 3 modes of action: by forming a protective barrier on the plant itself, being absorbed systemically by the plant, and as well as killing existing pests and diseases. Prevents and cures fungal diseases. Kills listed pests on contact, including spider mites, and continues killing for up to 30 days.  Best applied early in the season before pests and diseases multiply. For use on non-edible plants only.

Same product, just new manufacturer!

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Imidacloprid - 0.012% Tau-fluvalinate - 0.014% Tebuconazole - 0.015%
Target pests Insects: Adelgids, Aphids, Armyworms, Bagworms, Beetles, Boxelder bugs, Budworms, Cankerworms, Caterpillars, Chinch bugs, Clover mites, Crickets, Cucumber beetles, Cutworms, Earwigs, Elm leaf beetles, Firebrats, Flea beetles, Flies, Fungus gnats, Grasshoppers, Gypsy moth larvae, Japanese beetles (adult), Lace bugs, Leaf-feeding beetles, Leaf-feeding caterpillars, Leafhoppers (including Glassy-winged sharpshooter), Leafminers (including Birch leafminers and Holly leafminers), Loopers, Mealybugs, Midges, Mites, Mosquitoes, Pillbugs, Plant bugs, Psyllids, Rose midges, Rose slugs, Sawflies, Scale insects (crawler stages), Silverfish, Sowbugs, Spider mites, Spittlebugs, Stink bugs, Thrips, Two-spotted spider mites, Viburnum leaf beetle, Webworms, Weevils (including adult root weevils), Whiteflies
Diseases: Anthracnose, black spot, leaf spot, petal blight, powdery mildew, rust, and scab
For use in Roses, Flowers, Houseplants, Ground Covers, Vines, Ornamentals, Shrubs and Trees
Application To treat existing disease: apply at least 3 times, every 7-14 days apart beginning at the first sign of disease
To prevent diseases: apply at least 3 times, every 7-14 days apart during the growing season, starting when new leaves first appear
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label
Children and pets may re-enter the treated area after spray has dried
Formulation Ready-to-Use
CT, MD, VT (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only)
Shipping Weight 1.75 lbs
Manufacturer Bio Advanced (Mfg. Number: 701290B)
UPC 687073012903
EPA Registration 92564-63


Where can Bayer Advanced 3-In-1 Insect, Disease & Mite Control Ready-To-Spray be used?

This product can be applied to Roses, Flowers, Houseplants, Ground Covers, Vines, Ornamentals, Shrubs and Trees.

What diseases will Bayer Advanced 3-In-1 Insect, Disease & Mite Control Ready-To-Spray control?

This product will effectively control Anthracnose, Black Spot, Leaf Spot, Petal Blight, Powdery Mildew, Rust and Scab.

When should Bayer Advanced 3-In-1 Insect, Disease & Mite Control Ready-To-Spray be applied?

Apply when insects, mites, or disease first appear. To avoid serious damage, eliminate pests and diseases early in the season before they multiply.

To treat existing disease: Apply at least three times every 7-14 days beginning at the first sign of disease.

To prevent diseases: Apply at least three times every 7-14 days during the growing season, starting when new leaves first appear.

How many roses can be treated with one container of Bayer Advanced 3-In-1 Insect, Disease & Mite Control Ready-To-Spray?

One container of product treats up to 192 roses.

How often should the Bayer Advanced 3-In-1 Insect, Disease & Mite Control Ready-To-Use be applied?

For insects: This product kills insects on contact and keeps on killing for up to 30 days.

For diseases: Repeat every 7 to 14 days as necessary.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Seems to do the trick nicely

    By William on 03/06/2017

    I bring in all my tropicals every cold season. Last year, lost some due to severe mealybug infestation (that took only a week to develop). Again, this year they came... and I watched them multiply over the course of a couple days. I used a soapy spray and a rubbing alcohol-based spray to combat... but I wanted something the plants would uptake into their system to deter/kill pests. This seems to be working quite well. Did an initial spray and now will do another 2 weeks later. Mealybugs are VERY difficult to eradicate. This site is the ONLY place I found this product... ALL the other products sold at Lowe's and HomeDepot do NOT work--- I've tried them all. This does.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    easy to use

    By Bush on 06/29/2016

    the spray was easy to apply and seemed to work. Will apply again in a few weeks.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bayer Insect Disease Mite Control

    By P. on 04/23/2018

    Fully satisifed with the product (have used it before) and with quick delivery.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bayer Advanced 3 in 1

    By Ewa on 04/28/2019

    Great product and nice price. I got it on time, thank you

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Questions & Answers

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I have Hibiscus in our greenhouse for the winter. They are all in large pots and have aphids really bad. ? can

I was recommended Bayer product for Roses and flowers, however, called the Bayer co. on line and told not to use this for flowers for pots. Is this product just as effective and if not, what do you recommend?

We would recommend using the Bayer 3 in 1 Insect, Disease, and Mite Control. This product offers systemic and a 30 day protection from pests and diseases that may harm your flowering plants, trees, and shrubs. It cures and prevents fungal diseases, kills and controls insect pests such as aphids and spider mites.

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Do you have to spray all the leaves with Bayer Advanced 3 in 1 Insect Disease Mite Control to be effective?

I have a taller tree and can't reach the top with my sprayer. Thank you.

Bayer Advanced 3 in 1 Insect Disease Mite Control RTU is a foliar systemic and will translocate some. However, keep in mind that the better the coverage of the target plant, the better the translocation effect would be, which means better results. We would recommend to start spraying down low and spray as far up as you can reach as most insect damage does tend to develop closer to the ground. 

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What happens if you do spray flower petals with Bayer Advanced 3 in 1 Insect Disease Mite Control RTU? Will it damage centipede grass?

Bayer Advanced 3 in 1 Insect Disease Mite Control RTU is labeled for use on flowers and other ornamentals. It is not labeled for use on any grass. 

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Should I spray Bayer Advanced 3 in 1 on the ground as well as foliage when treat a fungus that causes black and yellow spots on shrubs?

Bayer Advanced 3 in 1 Insect Disease Mite Control RTU is applied as a foliar spray only and would not be effective when sprayed to the soil around the plants.  It is absorb by the foliage during this application.

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Can Bayer Advanced 3 in 1 Insect Disease Mite Control RTU be used within days of Bayer Protect and Feed?

I applied Bayer Tree and Shrub Protect and Feed II. A day later I noticed a severe mite infestation in same shrubs (boxwoods). Would it be safe for my shrubs to apply the 3 in 1 now, or if not, how long would I have to wait to apply it? Thanks!

Bayer Advanced 3 in 1 Insect Disease Mite Control RTU  application should not interfere with Bayer Tree and Shrub Protect and Feed II since it is applied as a foliar and Bayer Tree and Shrub Protect and Feed II is a drench application.

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