Yes, Bayer Advanced 2 in 1 Moss & Algae Killer RTS can be used in your lawn for nostoc. You will throughly soak the area and apply 12-25 gallons per 1000 square feet.
Bayer Advanced 2 In 1 Moss & Algae Killer RTS will not harm grass if used as directed on the product label.
After applying Bayer Advanced 2 In 1 Moss & Algae Killer RTS, moss will quickly yellow and then turn brown. Timing can vary from region to region as during warmer weather you want to apply late in the day. If you are having colder weather, cold weather may delay the appearance of moss damage. Repeat treatments can be done every 2 weeks.
Bayer Advanced 2 In 1 Moss & Algae Killer RTS can be applied after a rain storm. We do recommend though that you wait to apply until the puddled water has almost all the way dried.
We do recommend that you treat with Bayer Advanced 2 In 1 Moss & Algae Killer RTS away from desireable plants to prevent injury/harm.
Unfortunately, Bayer Advanced 2 In 1 Moss & Algae Killer RTS is not labeled for use with aluminum siding. Per Bayer Advanced, this will not work on this application.
Bayer Advanced 2 In 1 Moss & Algae RTS should only disperse from the original container. You want to try a concentrated product like Lily Miller Moss Cleaner that can be diluted with water and dispersed with another sprayer such as the Chapin Slide Pump Sprayer that has 150 psi and reaches over 30 ft.
The active ingredient in Bayer Advanced 2 In 1 Moss & Algae Killer RTS Potassium laurate 22.11%. This product is safe if used according to the label.
Bayer Advanced 2 In 1 Moss & Algae Killer RTS could be used for algae in lawns though the conditions that are making it favorable for the algae to flourish need to be addressed. There is a great article by UGA here that might help.
Although the label does not specify, we recommend that you use Bayer Advanced 2 in 1 Moss and Algae Killer RTS on established turfgrass for the least risk to your grass. Established turf is generally considered turf that has been growing for at least 4 weeks, or until after the 2nd mowing (whichever is longer). The light rinse is intended to reduce risk to desirable plants since this product could cause burn on plants, especially in hot temperatures. If you have not yet seeded areas that have moss that needs to be treated, then we recommend that you first control and remove the moss, then you can seed at least 5 days after treated, if needed.
Bayer Advanced 2 In 1 Moss & Algae Killer RTS can be applied to Cedar Siding, Stucco, Brick or Stone, Concrete Walks and Driveways, Cedar, Redwood or CCA treated wood decks and fences, Cedar Shakes and Composition Shingles and Lawns, hardened bark of trees, bark mulch, patios, asphalt and gravel.
If the Bayer Advanced 2 In 1 Moss & Algae Killer RTS has any color, consistency, etc changes, then it should not be used as the solution has been compromised. If it is still the same as it was when purchased, it can be used, but it may have lower efficiency rates.
Bayer Advanced 2 In 1 Moss & Algae Killer RTS containers have a siphon tube inside the bottle that siphons the liquid after the water hose is connected and the dial turned to "on"(can vary depending on the product) The water does not mix inside the bottle, it will mix the liquid with water as it is applied directly from the container.