Dependent of what type of turf you are applying to decides how much product to water to use.
Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Zoysiagrass
3.2 fl. oz. (6 1/2 TBS) in 2 gallons of water treats 500 sq. ft.
Bahiagrass, Centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass (not for use on Floratam variety) or mixtures containing one or more of these grasses
1.6 fl. oz. (3 1/4 TBS) in 2 gallons of water treats 500 sq. ft.
Any product such as Bayer Advanced Southern Season Long Weed Control for Lawns which has active ingredients that target broadleaf weeds will also potentially harm trees, shrubs, and other desirable ornamental plants. When using post-emergent herbicides that target broadleaf weeds, you will need to be careful that you stay outside the dripline of desirable trees, especially edible plants like fruit or nut trees. You also want to be sure there is not drift onto leaves, roots, or other parts of desirable trees. For broadleaf weeds close to trees, we recommend using a hand pump or backpack to spot treat the weeds carefully using a non-selective herbicide such as RoundUp QuikPro or Avenger Concentrate.