Beavers, while beneficial to their habitats and our natural landscapes, can end up causing major damage, especially flooding and felling important trees. Beaver traps offer an effective and practical way to remove and control a nuisance beaver. While beaver trapping can be difficult, with the right beaver trap you can successfully remove unwanted beavers or reduce beaver damage.
Depending on where you live, beavers may be protected or considered fur bearing animals, and only available for trapping during the designated season or not at all. On the other hand, some states may consider beavers to be a nuisance or rodent status, and accommodations are made to increase control efforts. Before you trap beavers in your area, make sure you are aware of the laws. If beavers are considered furbearers, steel-jaw foothold traps, padded jaw traps, and body gripping traps are often not allowed in trapping.
Effectiveness of your trapping efforts depends largely on your knowledge of beavers and their habits, habitat, food preference, etc. Knowing this will aid you in placing your traps in the correct places for optimal success. Here are some tips on how to set a beaver trap successfully:
Beaver feeding and dam building can cause problems like flooding homes, roads, and crops, can destroy important trees, dam important waterways, drains, pipes, etc. or flood and kill trees.
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