Ladybugs, nematodes, and other beneficial insects eat nuisance insects like caterpillars and beetles that invade gardens and damage plants. Beneficial insect attractants lure these beneficial insects to gardens and yards to create natural pest control. Limit your use of insecticides with the help of beneficial insects.
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Using beneficial insects can help control common edible garden plant pests and boost your garden’s potential, and is a great way to utilize the natural world to your favor. Beneficial insect attractants bring these beneficial insects to your yard is an inexpensive way to kill aphids and other garden pets while minimizing chemical use in our yard.
Beneficial insects are often used to keep pest problems to a more manageable level without relying on insecticides. For example, lady bugs eat aphids, and having a healthy lady bug population around your ornamental plants can help to reduce and maintain tolerable aphid levels that will likely not cause noticeable damage to your plants. Attracting ladybugs to your yard is a simple, low effort way to keep aphid populations low.
Bees are also beneficial to edible garden plants, because they pollinate vegetables, fruits, and flowers for a successful growth season each year. Creating a good environment for bees and butterflies, including employing attractants, can bring these insects to your yard and bring you more blooms and produce.
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We sell professional do it yourself pest control (diy), exterminator and
extermination insecticide, pesticide, chemical and bug killer treatment
products to spray, eliminate and exterminate pests.
Many of our products are not available in stores
such as Home Depot, Walmart or Lowes.