Lee from Woodbine, Ga writes
Before I established an account I bought dimension, coron, and talstar from you earlier this year. I have been aggressively trying to get my 1 acre of sodded bermuda back into shape after a nasty mole cricket infestation. I plan on buying more dimension to apply later this summer and prevent the annual blue grass I have been plagued with as well. The dimension has appeared to have worked very well. I bought the crossbow product as you all recommended to kill my woody brush and the sweetgum saplings and it is working well. I have tried the crossbow mixture for some broadleaf weeds which appeared by the roadway and it appears to be working well. Is there another product I should consider for my broadleaf weeds instead of using crossbow? Do you have a crabgrass killer safe for bermuda? Any chance you all could develop a service to monitor my purchases and target my goals so I can get the best results? It would be great to chart my problems and see the product recommended with a application schedule or custom program if possible. I want to make sure I am buying the best products in the most efficient manner. I have spent about $500 with you so far and expect another $500 before the year is over. Is there any discount or threshold for a discount for a loyal customer? Lee Robertson ARM,MBA,PLS (owner of a management consulting business)
The Dimension is one of our best Pre-emergent herbicides for crabgrass and many other broad leaf weeds. If you are looking for a post emergent to help with any that might have been missed by the Dimension, you could use Drive XLR8 which is our top post emergent for crabgrass and also covers broadleaf weeds. Drive is safe for bermuda grass and to use it you would mix it with a Surfactant and do a spot or broadcast spray treatment. For a general post emergent weed control product you could either use the Drive XLR8 or something like SpeedZone Herbicide. You can see what weeds are covered and the dilution ratios on the product label to compare whether the Drive or Speedzone would work best for your needs. We do not currently have a program or the resources to chart what you are purchasing and let you know of other products that would be beneficial specifically to your yard. We are always available on the phone, Q&A's, or live chat to answer any questions you have and go over recent products you have purchased and make recommendations based on your needs. Other than our referral program we do not have any repeat/loyal customer discounts in place at this time. Anytime you are looking to place a large order or multiple of the same product, you can contact us to see if there is a further price break we can offer other than the ones already stated on the site. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Answer last updated on: 05/19/2013