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K from Kingston, Oklahoma writes

Best fogging product for crawlspace to eliminate Brown Recluse spiders.

We have two weekend properties that have a problem with Brown Recluse spiders. We keep finding them in the glue traps. Both houses have crawlspaces that are low to the ground. I have access to a fogging machine but am at a loss as to what is the best product to use. I can fog the crawlspace or interior of the buildings and leave vacant for several days. I would like a product that will not make a mess of the interior of the building. It can make as big a mess as it needs to do the crawlspace. Suggestions?


ULD BP-100 can be fogged into the crawlspace. Any spiders that are exposed at the time of the the fogging will be eliminated. For indoor use, instead fogging we recommend spraying a residual insecticide such as Cy-Kick CS into the cracks and crevices around door and window frames, baseboards, under appliances and in places where cables, pipes and wires enter through the walls. You can also use Cy-Kick CS to spray around the exterior on the foundation, door and window frames, around places where cables, pipes and wires enter into the structure and any other crack, crevice or hole where insects can gain entry. By using the residual insecticide inside and outside you will be eliminating hidden spiders that come out to hunt and also the insects that they are there to prey on. By eliminating the spiders food source you will be forcing the spiders to move out and you will be making the structures less desirable to other spiders looking for new hunting grounds.

Answer last updated on: 08/12/2012

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ULD BP-100 Fogging Concentrate

ULD BP-100 Fogging Concentrate

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