The setting that you will use when applying Bifen Granules with a Scotts Edgeguard DLX is a 2 or a 3 depending on how quickly you walk.
We don't have the exact spreader setting for your model spreader. The easiest way to determine the correct setting to apply Bifen Granules is as follows:
If you need to use 3lbs of product per 1,000 sq ft you would add 3 lb of product to spreader, start with a medium setting, then apply product to a 20 x 50 ft area (1,000 sq ft). If you have product left, your setting is too low. If you run out of product, your setting is too high
Bifen Granules will kill sod webworms and is one of the most popular ones for them. It will not kill the eggs, though, and no product will do so.
Bifen Granules should be broadcast with a spreader and watered in and completely dry before allowing pets in the treated areas. They will be safe once dried. The Bifen Granules would be a great treatment for many insects but if you are treating for ticks and fleas, we highly recommend applying the products in our Tick Control Kit. It is important to mow the lawn 1-2 days prior to your first application and treat once every two weeks outdoors for flea control. You will make a minimum of two applications. Additional treatments should be applied if needed. Please let us know if you need anything else.
Spring tails can be tough to eliminate because they reproduce very quickly. In almost every case where people have spring tails, they also have a moisture problem such as a leaking or sweating pipe, poor ventilation in their crawl space, lots of wet mulch right up next to their house, etc. You must locate and correct the moisture problem to get rid of the spring tails, insecticides alone will not do the job. We do carry Bifen L/P granules and Bifen IT liquid, both of which can help you to reduce the numbers of springtails.
Bifen IT and Bifen Granules are both great to use. Many of our customers keep both on hand so they can spray to exterior of structures/entry points and to interior crevices as well as the lawn and foliage. The liquid offers a 30 day outdoor residual while the granules will last a bit longer - about 2-4 months in the lawn.
For preventative control, applying the Bifen Granules now will treat before the Cicada Killers start burrowing into the ground and help reduce the population. Once they have started to burrow and make holes in the ground, then you can apply the Tempo 1% Dust. Also, the Bifen LP Granules would not yield immediate results, but stop them from returning the following year.
Bifen Granules will kill active mole crickets, but not grubs. Please see our grub control page.
Bifen L/P Granules should not be used around edible vegetation. They have a residual that will last for up to four months but should be applied at least 10-15 ft outside the drip line of the garden.
Bifen Granules would be considered a repellent as far as social insects such as ants are concerned. This is because the product kills insects quickly which come in contact with treated areas, as opposed to the slower action in non-repellent products which allow the active ingredient time to transfer among social insects.