Blindside Herbicide WDG - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 134 questions)
  • Asked by John from Orlando, Fl
    Does Blindside need the use of a sticking agent?
    Blindside does not require the use of a spreader/sticker/surfactant.
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  • Asked by Robert from [email protected]
    How much Blindside to use in a 2 gallon sprayer?
    What is the per gallon mixing ratio?

    Herbicides are a lot different than other concentrated products and can be hard to understand at first. The application rate depends on the the type of turf you have and how quickly you apply the product.  You will need to read the product label to determine the correct usage rate for your needs (you did not give us any information about the type of lawn, region or application program you will be using so we cannot give you exact rates). The amount of water used to apply Blindside Herbicide is not critical, but should be sufficient for uniform coverage of the target area. Calibrate by determining the volume of water required to treat 1,000 square feet. Use this calibration volume to determine the amount of water and Blindside needed to treat the target area (see the following calibration example). Note: Sprayer calibration (volume of spray needed to treat 1,000 square feet) will vary with each individual operator.
    Steps in Calibration:
    1. Mark an area of 1,000 square feet (i.e. 20 by 50 feet or 25 by 40 feet).
    2. Place the sprayer on a level surface and add water noting the final level of water in the spray tank.
    3. Spray the marked area with a sufficient volume of water to provide uniform coverage. Refill the sprayer to the same level as before measuring the amount of water added. The measured water added to the sprayer is the volume needed to cover 1,000 square feet.

    The amount of Blindside per 1,000 sq ft:

    Cool Season grasses: 0.075 - 0.15 per 1,000 sq. ft. (3.25 - 6.5 oz. per acre)
    Warm Season grasses: 0.15 - 0.23 per 1,000 sq. ft. (6.5 - 10 oz. per acre)

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  • Asked by Janet from Lexington, South Carolina
    How quickly should I expect to see the weeds die after the application of Blindside Herbicide?
    I applied 0.15 oz. per 2 gallons of water in my back pack sprayer to Bermuda grass a day and a half ago. The temperature is in the low 90's this week. So far some of the weeds look a little sick, but the crab grass doesn't seem to be affected? Will it require a second application? How long should I wait before doing it?

    When using Blindside Herbicide WDG it could take up to 10-14 days for complete results to take place, although you will often see yellowing within a few days. It is recommended to apply the product at temperatures less than 80 degress. Discoloration could be imminent in high temperatures and high relative humidity per product label. Per the label two applications of Blindside Herbcide 14 to 20 days apart may increase control over a single application, depending on the weeds you are treating. 


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  • Asked by Megan from Orlando, Fl
    How soon can I mow after applying Blindside Herbicide WDG?

    We recommend that you wait a minimum of two to three days after the application of Blindside Herbicide to mow.

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  • Asked by Jim from St Augustine , Fl
    What is the best month to apply this product in St Augustine , FL and Zoysia grass?

    Blindside Herbicide works best when the weeds are actively growing for post-emergent control. We recommend that you apply when the temperatures are not very high and the humidity is low per the product label. Please contact your local Master Gardener for specific application times in your area.

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  • Asked by Marlene from Parrish
    When is blindside rainsafe? We applied at 6:30 pm to zoysia grass and it was raining the next morning at 6 am

    Best weed control results with Blindside Herbicide WDG will be obtained when no rainfall or irrigation occurs within 24 hours after application and it does need to be watered in within 7 days of application.  

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  • Asked by Vonie from Grand Prairie, Tx
    Is Blindside safe for dogs?

    Blindside Herbicide WDG should be applied when the dogs are not present and remain out of the treated area until the surfaces are completely dried.

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  • Asked by Sf from Duluth, Ga
    How do I control a Doveweed problem in Bermuda grass?
    My lawn is Bermuda grass and the lawn size is about 3500 Sq Feet. What is your recommendation for a cost effective (preferably generic) recommendation that will address the DoveWeed problem? if you can please advise on a: 1)Pre emergent? 2)Post emergent?

    The product we recommend for post-emergent control of doveweed is Blindside Herbicide. It is labeled for various other weeds as well. The mixing ratio is 0.15 to 0.23 oz. per gallon of water. This will generally treat 1000 square feet.

    For pre-emergent control of doveweed, we would recommend using FreeHand 1.75G Herbicide. It is labeled for use on bermudagrass and controls various grasses and broadleaf weeds. The mixing ratio is 2.3 lbs. per 1000 square feet. 

    There are not very many products that are specifically labeled for this particular weed. We would recommend using the pre-emergent product now when the soil temperature is above 55 degrees. The post emergent can be used if you were unable to control the doveweed in the Spring.

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  • Asked by Denise
    Can I use Blindside in hot weather?
    I live near Ocala FL. Daily temps are mid to upper 70s at night, mid 90s during day with our usual high humidity. Can I applysafely apply Blindside in early morning even though it gets into 90s later? Also, is Blindside safe under drip line of large trees? I have St Augustine grass loaded with dove weed, nuts sedge ,pusley & crab gras.

    Yes, you could apply the Blindside in the morning or later in the evening when temperatures are cooler; usually below 85 degrees is safest for your turfgrass. You should avoid spraying in a manner that would allow direct spray or overspray onto the roots or other parts of desirable trees.

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  • Asked by Jack from Lynn Haven, Fl
    Should I cut grass short or leave it high before applying Blindside Herbicide WDG?

    You should not mow 2 days before or 2 days after applying Blindside Herbicide WDG.

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  • Asked by Ron from Corpus Christi, Tx
    How do I mix Blindside Herbicide WDG for use on St. Augustine?
    I have 3500 sq ft St. Augustine and a serious crab grass problem, ilive in Corpus Christi, Tx. humidity is usually pretty high. i have a 2 gal. spray bottle.. and need to knw correct mixture for my situation. temp this time of the year around mid to high 70s

    When using Blindside Herbicide WDG on warm season turfgrass such as St. Augustine, you will use 0.15 - 0.23 oz. per 1,000 sq ft, or 6.5 - 10 lbs per Acre, per the product label. Keep in mind that post-emergent herbicides like Blindside will be most effective when the target weeds are young and actively growing.

    We also recommend using a pre-emergent herbicide in the future to help prevent new crabgrass. A great choice for your yard would be Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide.

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  • Asked by Brandon from Dallas
    Can I water my St Augustine grass 24 hours before application of Blindside?
    How long after Blindside application can I resume watering my lawn?

    Per the Blindside Herbicide WDG product label: Best weed control results will be obtained when no rainfall or irrigation occurs within 24 hours after application. If no rainfall or irrigation occurs within 7 days after application of Blindside Herbicide in the amount of 0.5 inches, then irrigation of at least 0.5 inches is recommended.  You do not need to water before hand.

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  • Asked by Chuck from Montgomery, Al
    Will Blindside Herbicide WDG work for doveweed in bermudagrass?

    Blindside Herbicide WDG is labeled to eradicate doveweed in Bermuda turfs.

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  • Asked by Pablo from Flourtown
    Are there temperature restrictions when applying Blindside?

    Blindside Herbicide WDG is best applied when target weeds are actively growing and healthy, usually best between temperatures above 55 and below 85. 

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  • Asked by Tom from Pensacola, Fl
    Can Blindside Herbicide WDG be used in warm weather for doveweed control without harming centipede
    It is recommended to apply Blindside at temperatures less than 80 degrees. Discoloration of the centipede grass, could be imminent if applied in high temps. Please follow the product label for application.
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  • Asked by Michael from Fresno, Ca
    How long after Blindside is applied do I have to wait before sprinklers can come on?

    Blindside Herbicide WDG needs about 2-3 hours to dry and become rain fast before expected rainfall or watering. 



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  • Asked by Lennie from Sebastion, Florida
    What is the mixing ratio for Blindside?
    What rate to use of the granulated blindside and water,for st Augustine grass in central Florida,using a 1 gallon sprayer?

    Herbicides are a lot different than other concentrated products and can be hard to understand at first. The application rate depends on the the type of turf you have and how quickly you apply the product.  You will need to read the product label to determine the correct usage rate for your needs (you did not give us any information about the type of lawn, region or application program you will be using so we cannot give you exact rates). The amount of water used to apply Blindside Herbicide is not critical, but should be sufficient for uniform coverage of the target area. Calibrate by determining the volume of water required to treat 1,000 square feet. Use this calibration volume to determine the amount of water and Blindside needed to treat the target area (see the following calibration example). Note: Sprayer calibration (volume of spray needed to treat 1,000 square feet) will vary with each individual operator. Steps in Calibration: 1. Mark an area of 1,000 square feet (i.e. 20 by 50 feet or 25 by 40 feet). 2. Place the sprayer on a level surface and add water noting the final level of water in the spray tank. 3. Spray the marked area with a sufficient volume of water to provide uniform coverage. Refill the sprayer to the same level as before measuring the amount of water added. The measured water added to the sprayer is the volume needed to cover 1,000 square feet. The amount of Blindside Herbicide WDG per 1,000 sq ft: Cool Season grasses: 0.075 - 0.15 per 1,000 sq. ft. (3.25 - 6.5 oz. per acre) Warm Season grasses (St. Augustine): 0.15 - 0.23 per 1,000 sq. ft. (6.5 - 10 oz. per acre) 

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  • Asked by William from Vero Beach, Fl
    Can I use Blindside on turfgrass under the canopy of established trees?

    Blindside Herbicide WDG can be applied to listed established turfgrass for treating listed weeds that are actively growing. It should not be applied near the tree directly under the canopy.

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  • Asked by Cliff from Naples Fl
    Is Blindside Herbicide safe to use on floratam?
    Blindside herbicide is labeled for use on St. Augustine grass, and the label does not exclude any specific cultivars. If there is discoloration after applying Blindside, established turf will generally recover well. As with all herbicides, you should not apply to turf that is under stress from extreme heat, drought, disease, or other similar situations.
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  • Asked by Chris from Ocean Springs
    Will Blindside Herbicide WDG control Yellow Nutsedge and Doveweed in Centipede and St Augustine lawns when temperatures are 90 degrees? How close to trees and ornamentals can the product be used? Up to the dripline?

    Blindside Herbicide WDG is labeled to control Doveweed and Yellow Nutsedge in St. Augustine and Centipede lawns. Apply 0.15 to 0.23 fl oz per 1,000 sq feet, two applications 14-21 days apart may increase control over one application. 

    We suggest to make the application either early morning or late afternoon/early evening when the turf is not stressed. Applying Blindside Herbicide WDG to stressed turf from heat, drought, mowing, overwatering, etc can result in turf injury. 

    You will want to keep applications of Blindside Herbicide WDG outside the dripline of any desirable trees, shrubs, ornamentals. 

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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 134 questions)