There is not a specific amount of time you need to wait after applying Blindside Herbicide before using a fertilizer. We do recommend waiting at least one day since it is ideal to have at least 24 hours after using Blindside before rainfall or irrigation in the treatment area.
Blindside Herbicide WDG needs about 2-3 hours to dry and become rain fast before expected rainfall or watering.
Blindside Herbicide WDG will treat for green Kyllinga.
The amount of Blindside Herbicide depends on the type of turf you are treating. For cool season grasses, you will use 0.075 - 0.15 per 1,000 sq. ft. For warm season turf, you will use 0.15 - 0.23 per 1,000 sq. ft. This amount will generally go into a gallon of water. You will multiply the amount by 4.5 since you treating 4500 square feet. Please see the product label for complete usage information.
As long as there are not competing use instructions between the Prodiamine and Blindside WDG herbicide labels, then you could tank mix them for a single application. Keep in mind, though, that usually a pre- and post-emergent are not used at the same time as the timing for a pre-emergent to be put down is not a time of a year when temperatures would support full active weed growth. A post-emergent normally would not be used until later when temperatures were higher to get the best results, which would be past the temperature time frame that you could use a pre-emergent within and still be successful.
Blindside Herbicide WDG can be apploed to established Bermuda and will suppress poa annua if used as directed. Per the product label, "A spring application of Blindside may aid in overseeded ryegrass transition in Bermudagrass, transition efficacy may be species depentent. Overseeding of bermudagrass with perennial ryegrass at six (6) to eight (8) weeks after an application can be done if slight injury to perennial ryegrass can be tolerated. Best results are obtained for reseeding or overseeding when mechanical or power seeding equipment (slit seeders) are used to give good seed to soil contact and proper soil cultivation, irrigation and fertilization practices are followed".
Yes, as long as the application of Blindside Herbicide WDG is made when the temperatures are below 85 degrees and has enought time to dry before the heat of the day this should be fine.
Blindside would be the best crabgrass treatment applied safely to your turf of Bermuda, and St. Augustine.
You will need to wait at least 1 month after applying Blindside Herbicide WDG before reseeding. Please refer to the product label for instructions.
Herbicides are a lot different than other concentrated products and can be hard to understand at first. The application rate depends on the the type of turf you have and how quickly you apply the product. You will need to read the product label to determine the correct usage rate for your needs (you did not give us any information about the type of lawn, region or application program you will be using so we cannot give you exact rates). The amount of water used to apply Blindside Herbicide is not critical, but should be sufficient for uniform coverage of the target area. Calibrate by determining the volume of water required to treat 1,000 square feet. Use this calibration volume to determine the amount of water and Blindside needed to treat the target area (see the following calibration example). Note: Sprayer calibration (volume of spray needed to treat 1,000 square feet) will vary with each individual operator.
Steps in Calibration:
1. Mark an area of 1,000 square feet (i.e. 20 by 50 feet or 25 by 40 feet).
2. Place the sprayer on a level surface and add water noting the final level of water in the spray tank.
3. Spray the marked area with a sufficient volume of water to provide uniform coverage. Refill the sprayer to the same level as before measuring the amount of water added. The measured water added to the sprayer is the volume needed to cover 1,000 square feet.
The amount of Blindside per 1,000 sq ft:
Cool Season grasses: 0.075 - 0.15 per 1,000 sq. ft. (3.25 - 6.5 oz. per acre)
Warm Season grasses: 0.15 - 0.23 per 1,000 sq. ft. (6.5 - 10 oz. per acre)
Blindside Herbicide WDG is safe for use around established trees and bushes, but you should not contact them directly. Be sure to apply on a less windy day.
Blindside Herbicide WDG is best applied when the targeted weeds are actively growing, temperatures are 80 degrees or below, and no rain is expected for 24 hours.
Blindside Herbicide WDG is not recommended to be applied in a hose end sprayer as the rate is not per gallon but per area in however much water it takes for you to cover set area. It is also a water dispersable granule that does not work well with that type of equipment. We generally recommend to use a pump sprayer when applying herbicides so that you can more accurately measure and apply the herbicide. It is much easier to use too little or too much product when using a hose-end sprayer.
The date on the bottle of Blindside Herbicide is the date the product was manufactured. The shelf life of most products is 3-5 years once opened. It is possible that products could lose their effectiveness depending on how it has been stored.
Per the Blindside Herbicide WDG product label, “If turf discolouration occurs after an application of Blindside Herbicide turfgrass will generally recover with new growth. Discoloured leaf tissue will be removed with mowing. To reduce the potential for discolouration, do not apply Blindside Herbicide on turfgrass that is weakened by weather, mechanical, chemical, disease or other related stress. Maintain proper cultural practices such as adequate moisture and fertility levels to promote healthy turf growth. **Turfgrass discolouration may occur if the air temperature is less than 70?F at application time. Turf colouration will improve as air temperature increases.
***Application to Zoysiagrass in spring transition may result in discolouration.”
Blindside Herbicide WDG should be used or discarded within 24 hours of mixing.
Blindside Herbicide WDG is a selective post-emergent that controls over 70 broad-leaf weeds and sedges selectively working its way up through the roots as well as attacking through foliar contact. Always be sure to check the product label for the weeds that you are targeting. If you would like to tell us more about what specific weeds you are targeting, then we can better assist you.
We do carry Blindside Herbicide that is a selective post-emergent to eradicate henbit in Zoysia, Bermunda and St. Augustine grasses. You can also apply Dimension 2EW Herbicide prior to the weeds germinating for a pre-emergent control. Please refer to the product label for complete mixing and application instructions for each product.
Blindside Herbicide WDG is rainfast 24 hrs after the application has dried.