Bobcats can be found all throughout the United States. They often get a bad reputation because of their opportunistic hunting, which can affect sheep, chicken, turkey, and other livestock populations. However, bobcats are extremely secretive and reclusive and rarely seen, which makes trapping them a challenge. Shop our traps for easy, humane trapping.
Using any trap requires patience and practice. It won’t matter how good your trap or camouflage is if you have not placed it properly. Bobcats do not deviate from their travel paths more than a few feet, but you can try to lure them by redirecting groundcover, make runways with sticks or logs, or use feathers, fur, or animals as bait.
There are several methods to catch bobcats. You can employ fur trappers during the height of fur season if you wish, or you can attempt to catch bobcats yourself.
Bobcat Identification
Bobcats are about twice to three times bigger than an average housecat. Their tracks resemble housecat tracks as well, with about a seven-inch stride. Their coat can vary in color but is usually some variation of brown with black spots. Depending on where the cat lives, the fur length can vary. Since bobcats are rarely seen, sometimes the only identification you can make is with tracks or with the style of killing prey.
Bobcat Behavior
Bobcats hunt a very wide variety of prey, everything from small rodents to deer. They most often hunt rabbits, squirrels, porcupines, gophers, and groundhogs, but also eat opossums, raccoons, and ground nesting birds. They feed mostly on what is available to them, so if your livestock is all that is in the vicinity, they will hunt them. Bobcats are protected in many states, including Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and most of Kentucky. Western states are often exempt because of ranching, etc. Always check your local laws before attempting any bobcat control.
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