Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate - Questions & Answers

Displaying 21 to 40 (of 221 questions)
  • Asked by Randy
    In central Ohio, when should I start spraying my apple trees and roses with Bonide Fruit Tree Spray?
    You did not indicate what you are trying to treat for so we can not give you a definitive answer. We will say that it is usually easier to prevent plant disease and plant damaging insects than it is to get rid of them after they have started damaging your plants so treatments should begin early. We recommend that you contact your local cooperative extension office and speak to the master gardener on staff. The master gardener is very well versed on the local flora and fauna in your region and will be able to tell you the proper time to start treatments on your plants.
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  • Asked by Tom from Minooka, Il
    If you do harvest fruit before the 14 to 21 day wait period, what would be recommended for safe eating?
    Wash with water, water and soap, ?
    We apologize, because eating veggies, before the 14-21 day period is off label, we want you to contact the manufacturer Bonide 800-536-8231, to trouble shoot.
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  • Asked by Brian
    Can I use a Bonide Fruit Tree Spray on Vegetables (peppers and Tomatoes)?

    No, Bonide Fruit Tree Spray is not labeled for use on peppers or tomatoes. If you are looking for something similar that can be used on vegetables, we would recommend Fertilome Triple Action. It is an insecticide, miticide, and fungicide all in one.

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  • Asked by Ken from Amberg, Wi
    How long is Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate good? I think I bought it a year ago.

    The shelf life of Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate is 3-5 years from the date of purchase if stored at room temperature.  

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  • Asked by Molly from Albuquerque, Nm
    Can Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate be used on grape vines?

    Yes, Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate can be used on grapes. It's applied at a rate of no more than two quarts of spray per 100 square feet of grapevine and no more than two applications per year. You should not treat within 7 days of harvest with a minimum of 14 day retreatment interval.

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  • Asked by Arnold
    Will the Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate kill slugs around hostas?
    No. Slugs and snails are protected by the mucus they excrete and they are rarely killed by liquid insecticides. We do carry poison baits that are geared specifically for slugs and snails. You can find all of our snail and slug products by following this link: Snail and Slug Control
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  • Asked by Joe from Midland, Michigan
    Can I spray fruit trees in direct sunlight with the Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate?
    I see the instructions recommend spraying in the early morning or evening when the winds are calm and it's not in the heat of the day. My question is, if I spray early in the morning on a sunny day, will direct sunlight on the oily leaves harm the tree? How soon before the sun gets hot do I need to spray? Thank you.

    As long as you are not applying the Bonide Fruit Tree Spray in the heat of the day then spraying when sunlight is hitting directly on the trees will not harm it. That being said, if you have the option to spray when there is no direct sunlight on the tree (typically more in the late evening) then that is a preferred time to spray. 

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  • Asked by Lori from Akron, Oh
    Can Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate be used on berry plants/bushes?
    Yellow and red raspberries, strawberries, blueberries in particular

    Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate can be used on strawberries only and not on raspberries or blueberries. The mix rate is 2 1/2 teaspoons per gallon of water. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest. The minimum retreatment time is 7 days. 

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  • Asked by Diamond from Staten Island, Ny
    Can I use Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate on my peach tree that has already started growing peaches?

    Yes, you can use Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate on peach trees that are growing peaches as long as you do not apply within 21 days of harvest. 

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  • Asked by Heidi from Venice, Fl
    Can I use Bonide Fruit Tree Spray concentrate on Canna Lillies?
    Also for plum tree, grapes I would like to mix the Bonide Fruit Spray in a 32 oz spray bottle how much product should I mix

    Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate is labeled to be applied to flowers, Canna Lillies not excluded. You want to mix 1.5 oz per gallon water to treat plum trees, grapes, and Canna Lillies. Please see the product label for complete application instructions.

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  • Asked by Elaine from Culpeper Va
    What does "petal fall" mean pertaining to using Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate
    Does petal fall mean the blooms have fallen from the tree and you can spray the tree at this time?

    Petal fall is last stage of flower development, when the petals have fallen from 90% of the trees blossom.  You can apply Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate from the fall through the spring. It can be applied any time from the dormant stage, when there is no growth, up to the petal fall stage when the last pedals have fallen off. The timing and usage rates would depend what type of tree you are treating, and the stage it is in at the time. In most cases, this product is labled to be used twice a year. However, with a few types of fruits, it can be applied more often. 

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  • Asked by Doug from Longview, Wa
    Can I use Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate on my blueberries for a dormant spray?
    I live in Pacific Northwest Longview Wa. We get a lot of rain . How many days before and after application should be rain free?

    No, unfortunately, Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate cannot be used on blueberries nor can it be applied as a dormant spray. For a dormant spray you can use either Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil or Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide Concentrate.

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  • Asked by Eddie from North Bend, Ne
    Is it OK to eat the fruit after using Bonide Fruit Tree spray to kill peach borers?

    Yes.  Bonide Fruit Tree Spray is specifically designed to be safe for use on fruit trees.  Just be sure to follow the pre-harvest interval (PHI) guidelines on the product label.  For peaches, the PHI is 21 days, meaning that the peaches should not be harvested or eaten within 21 days of application.   

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  • Asked by Tracey from Rock Island, Tx
    How long can I keep the Bonide Fruit Tree Spray after mixing?

    Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate should be used within 24 hours of mixing with water.

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  • Asked by Rita from Staunton
    Is Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate harmful to honey bees?

    We would not recommend spraying Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate when bees are actively foraging. It should be fine once the product has dried completely. Keep in mind that this is an insecticide, as well as a miticide, fungicide, aphicide, and scalicide all in one. It does have the potential to harm beneficial creatures.

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  • Asked by Claudine from Worcester, Ma
    Is Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate poisonous to dogs?
    Kenny lies and roll on the grass when sprayed

    Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate is safe for pets when used as directed on the product label but is not labeled to be used on lawns.  It is for use on Apples, Cherries, Grapes, Strawberries, Peaches, Roses, Evergreens and Flowers.  The small amount that could get on the grass from drift or overspray would not harm a dog, just keep pets out of the area during treatment until dry.

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  • Asked by Dianne from Chesaning,michigan
    Can I apply Bonide Fruit Tree spray to Roses in bloom/lilies in bud and bloom
    I have read over the user instructions, it does say not to spray fruit trees in full bloom. I found no where...not to spray ornamentals in in bud/bloom. It is safe to spray ornamentals in bud/bloom
    Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate is safe to spray on ornamental in bloom. You want to make sure to apply in still times of the day early morning, late afternoon. Please refer to the product label page 6 for application instructions.
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  • Asked by Barbara from Valley View Tx
    Is Bonide Fruit Tree Spray considered organic?
    Bonide Fruit Tree Spray is not labeled organic but is safe to apply on edibles as directed. Please refer to the product label for specific mixing and application instructions.
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  • Asked by John from Dracut
    Will heavy rain wash away protection from Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate?
    Do we need to spray tree after a heavy rain. Is this product water proof?

    Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate is best applied when rain is not expected within 24 hours of application. Reapply as stated on the label depending on the tree you are treating.

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  • Asked by Andy
    Why did my young apple leaves turn brown a day after applying Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate?

    Be sure that you are applying Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate at the correct rate. You should refer to the chart on page 5 of the product label for the dilution rate according to the blooming stage for the tree at the time of application. The maximum application for apples with this product is twice per year, with a minimum interval of at least 7 days between applications.

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Displaying 21 to 40 (of 221 questions)