Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 65 questions)
  • Asked by John from Hannibal, Mo.
    Why can't the bug gun be used on dangerous insects. It won't kill them?
    The manufacturer uses this disclaimer so that folks won't run around shooting at hornets nests or bee nests. Also, if you miss or don't get a direct hit, they certainly don't want to be responsible for you getting stung or bitten. We have used the Bug-A Salt around our facility and so far it has killed every insect we tried it on including beetles, house flies, weevils, silverfish, house centipedes and millipedes.
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  • Asked by Jayden from Morganton L, Nc
    How do you clean the Bug A Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun?
    Ours won't shoot out salt for some reason.

    You can clean your Bug A Salt Gun by soaking it in hot water. This will break down the salt build up in the gun. Let it dry completely before reloading with salt. 

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  • Asked by Carl from Pittsburgh, Pa
    What is the effective range of the Bug-A-Salt Gun?
    How far can I be to shoot insects?
    The Bug-A-Salt Gun will shoot an ideal 3 feet.  Practice accuracy by shooting aluminum foil to see salt spray pattern
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  • Asked by Dee from Dilley Texad
    How do you clean your Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun after it wet?
    The only thing I found was to "soak" it. Can you expand on this? Soak in what and for how long?

    If your Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun gets wet you can clean it by soaking it in hot water. This will break down the salt build up.

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  • Asked by Rene from Atlanta, Ga
    Do you feel the salt spray is strong enough to kill a carpenter bee?
    Technically you are not supposed to shoot anything that stings so we can't tell you that it will kill a carpenter bee. What we can tell you is that we have several guns in the office and we have shot beetles, stinkbugs, centipedes, weevils and very large flies (we shot these around the exterior of our office, none of these bugs would dare venture into DMOPC territory!) and all of these insects have succumbed to the Bug A Salt Gun.
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  • Asked by Robert from Red Bank Nj
    Will the salt spray damage dry wall from one foot away? What about window glass?
    The Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun is only powerful enough to kill small insects. Since you only use table salt as ammo, there would be no damage caused to dry wall or windows.
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  • Asked by Eric from Yadkinville, Nc
    In what country is the gun manufactured?
    The Bug A Salt gun is manufactured in California, U.S.A.
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  • Asked by Travis from Bellevue, Wa
    How far do the Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun shoot?

    The Bug-A-Salt Gun will shoot an ideal 3 feet, as fast as the trigger sets off and shoots.


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  • Asked by Bob from Cincinnati, Ohio
    Approximately how much salt does the Bug A Salt Gun shoot out? Does it make a mess in the house?

    The Bug-A-Salt & Bug Salt Gun will hold enough salt to shoot at least 50 shots before reloading. This will not make a mess unless you are continually shooting salt in one direction. 

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  • Asked by Hugo from California
    Can white sand or granulated sugar be used instead of salt in the Bug-A-Salt Gun?
    The manufacturer of the Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun recommend only table salt to prevent any clogging etc.
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  • Asked by Hank from Ny
    How about mosquitoes?
    Are mosquitoes fair game or are they considered to sting?
    Yes, the Bug-A-Salt Fly and Bug Salt Gun is labeled to treat mosquitoes among many other insects. We do not classify the mosquito as a "sting" insect.
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  • Asked by Linda from Clearwater, Fl
    Does the Bug-A-Salt gun work on large roaches and other exoskeletal insects?
    I am also interested in whether the gun works on smaller roaches.

    The Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun will take down flies, mosquitoes, and almost any other insect including a roach, but it should not be the only product used for eradication. Please take a few moments to review our treatment article on How to Get Rid of Roaches for a successful roach control program.We suggest applying the products in one of our Roach Control Kits.

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  • Asked by Rick
    Why do you say this gun is made in USA when it is made in china?
    When we first started carrying the Bug-a-Salt gun it was being produced in Colorado here in the USA. If this has changed and they have started outsourcing the build of the product we are unaware. You can feel free to contact the manufacturer directly at 310-392-3288.
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  • Asked by Clayton from Ottawa On
    What is the affective range on the Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun?
    The Bug-A-Salt Gun will shoot an ideal 3 feet.  Practice accuracy by shooting aluminum foil to see salt spray pattern
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  • Asked by Equintano from Florida
    How do the Bug-A-Salt guns work? What does it shoot?
    The Bug-A-Salt uses ordinary table salt to shoot a concentrated spray pattern of salt (similar to a shotgun). To see the gun in action please follow the link below and scroll down to the videos: http://www.domyownpestcontrol.com/bugasalt-fly-bug-salt-gun-p-2877.html
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  • Asked by Marshall from Kailua-kona, Hi
    Can I use rock salt in the Bug-A-Salt Gun to kill larger insects?

    The manufacturer of the Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun recommends only table salt to prevent any clogging etc.

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  • Asked by Haas from Dover
    Can I kill a bird in my house with the Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun?

    The Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun will only kill small insects like flies, mosquitos and ants.  It will not kill a bird.

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  • Asked by Rebecca from Monahans, Tx
    Can you please tell me what the salt/water ratio is and the EC?
    We are attempting a natural way of controlling spiders in a greenhouse.
    We are a little confused by your question. This was submitted under our Bug-A-Salt gun page. Salt is simply poured into the holding resevoir and no water is needed for this use. Insects are shot with table salt when they are noticed. Did you want more information on a different product?
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  • Asked by Freddi from Kalapana Hi
    Can I use this gun to shoot Amdro into trees to kill fire ants?
    The Bug-A-Salt gun is only designed to use regular table salt in it. Even if it could handle the Amdro, that would not be an effective or accurate way to eliminate any fire ant colony. Please review our article on How To Control Fire Ants for the correct treatment method to eliminate the ants from the tree and your yard. 
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  • Asked by Rainy from Stanwood, Wa
    Is the Bug A Salt gun safe to allow a 8 and 10 year old to use with no adult supervision?
    My kids informed me that they were using this gun unsupervised at their father's house....

    The Bug a salt gun has been used as a toy and christmas gifts for family members of our customers before and is only using table salt as an "ammo". However you must be 18 years old to purchase the unit and is advised as with most toys by the manufacturer to have adult supervision. If you concerned about the safety of your kids if they were to miss-use the gun you can contact the manufacturer to assess any risks that may come about. Skell Inc can be reached at 310-392-3288. 

    Per the Bug-A-Salt web sites FAQ(frequently asked questions):


    Is the gun dangerous?
    No, only if misused: Do not shoot anyone in face or eyes. Treat it with respect like any firearm. It will not penetrate skin or damage furniture
    What kind of salt does it use?
    Any ordinary granulated table salt


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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 65 questions)