You can clean your Bug A Salt Gun by soaking it in hot water. This will break down the salt build up in the gun. Let it dry completely before reloading with salt.
If your Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun gets wet you can clean it by soaking it in hot water. This will break down the salt build up.
The Bug-A-Salt Gun will shoot an ideal 3 feet, as fast as the trigger sets off and shoots.
The Bug-A-Salt & Bug Salt Gun will hold enough salt to shoot at least 50 shots before reloading. This will not make a mess unless you are continually shooting salt in one direction.
The Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun will take down flies, mosquitoes, and almost any other insect including a roach, but it should not be the only product used for eradication. Please take a few moments to review our treatment article on How to Get Rid of Roaches for a successful roach control program.We suggest applying the products in one of our Roach Control Kits.
The manufacturer of the Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun recommends only table salt to prevent any clogging etc.
The Bug-A-Salt Fly & Bug Salt Gun will only kill small insects like flies, mosquitos and ants. It will not kill a bird.
The Bug a salt gun has been used as a toy and christmas gifts for family members of our customers before and is only using table salt as an "ammo". However you must be 18 years old to purchase the unit and is advised as with most toys by the manufacturer to have adult supervision. If you concerned about the safety of your kids if they were to miss-use the gun you can contact the manufacturer to assess any risks that may come about. Skell Inc can be reached at 310-392-3288.
Per the Bug-A-Salt web sites FAQ(frequently asked questions):