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Derek from Lakeville, Indiana writes

Can I add a colored dye for application to ensure overlapping and coverage of Bifen I/T?

I've just purchased 10 acres, and a home on the property. In just 1week I've found 6 ticks on my two dogs. I found one that got under my shirt, and attached itself to my waist line. Need something that will kill these pests. I want something that can be mixed in my pull behind sprayer that will eliminate this tick infestation.


You can use a temporary marking dye such as Turf Mark Blue with the Bifen I/T or any insecticide you plan to use for tick control. Bifen would be a great choice, and in the areas of the property you suspect the highest populations of ticks, you can mix in an IGR such as Archer IGR to help stop their reproductive cycle and reduce the amount of future generations you would be contending with in the yard. We also have a handy Tick Control Guide which you can review for tips to get the most out of your treatment, including how to videos and step by step instructions and recommendations. 

Answer last updated on: 03/26/2021

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